With B2 Internet Radio, you get great music & programming 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. We play long sets of music without the screaming DJ's with the inappropriate language. Because we are a community radio station, we talk about what's going on in your community, not in Los Angeles or New York, but right here in central Arkansas. Because we play a Variety format of music, you're bound to hear a song that you like. That's why we say that B2 is your home for Timely Hits.

Be sure and listen to Riverview Raider football each Friday night during the regular season as Shane Smith and Ernie Moore bring you all the exciting action. Our broadcast starts with the Steve Williams Show at 6 pm, then live pregame at approximately 6:15 with kickoff at 7 pm.
Riverview Raiders Football 2023

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